Profil des Trainers
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Foto von Mike Samith
Name: Mike Samith
Unternehmen: Bachblüten-Tee Onlineshop
Sitz: D - 98559 Oberhof Karte
Gebiet: NLP


Diplom Volkswirt - Helmut Schmidt Universität Hamburg
certified MBTI trainer


Based sales training
sales training with NLP
sales training with typologies (MBTI)

Seminare allgemein:

The face of Bottin & Schulz, Mike Samith, is a sales trainer and an expert in developing sales personalities. He works with the NLP communication method and the MBTI typologies. Over 1,000 days of training practice in the past 9 years have identified him as a "man of practice". The two focal points of the work are: development of sales personalities and sales coaching. As a sales coach, Mike Samith accompanies sales people in practice. The integration of recent developments at Bottin & Schulz also shows practical relevance. Training on the sales opportunities of Web 2.0 is now also offered. Mike Samith is an economist, licensed MBTI trainer and NLP master

Über mich:

Officer of the Air Force Management
consultant up-consulting
Sales manager of a large German insurance company
trainer GF and sales trainer of bottin & schulz | management and sales training GmbH