Profil des Trainers
Hier finden Sie Informationen über den Trainer und seine Qualitäten
Name: Sabine Weigmann-Bates
Unternehmen: Key Trainings
Sitz: - Boston, US und Nettetal Karte
Gebiet: NLP, Hypnose, Self Relations,
Unternehmen: Key Trainings
Sitz: - Boston, US und Nettetal Karte
Gebiet: NLP, Hypnose, Self Relations,
NLP Ausbildung (in England) bei John Grinder (Begründer) und international führenden NLP-Trainern: Robert Dilts, Judith DeLozier, Christina Hall u.v.m.
Zertifizierte NLP Trainerin (International NLP Trainers Association)
Systemische Familienaufstellungen, Self Relations, Hypnose, Provokative Therapie, MBTI (Meyers-Briggs), EKS (Engpaß-Konzentrierte Strategie), Zeit- und Selbstmanagement, momentan in Ausbildung zum Heilpraktiker Psychotherapie
TOEFL Teacher of English as a Foreign Language (University of Cambridge)
Seit 1997 in der Erwachsenenbildung tätig.
Viele Jahre im Ausland mit unterschiedlichen beruflichen Tätigkeiten haben mein interkulturelles Verständnis und meine soziale Kompetenz erweitert.
Zertifizierte NLP Trainerin (International NLP Trainers Association)
Systemische Familienaufstellungen, Self Relations, Hypnose, Provokative Therapie, MBTI (Meyers-Briggs), EKS (Engpaß-Konzentrierte Strategie), Zeit- und Selbstmanagement, momentan in Ausbildung zum Heilpraktiker Psychotherapie
TOEFL Teacher of English as a Foreign Language (University of Cambridge)
Seit 1997 in der Erwachsenenbildung tätig.
Viele Jahre im Ausland mit unterschiedlichen beruflichen Tätigkeiten haben mein interkulturelles Verständnis und meine soziale Kompetenz erweitert.
Veränderungen dürfen leicht gehen, Spaß machen und nachhaltig sein.
Wie das funktioniert? Indem Sie sich von Ihrem eigenen Unterbewusstsein zum Erfolg führen lassen. Hierbei unterstütze ich Sie im:
- English Coaching: Bauen Sie Ihre Sprachhemmungen ab und wenden Sie Ihre bereits vorhandenen Englischkenntnisse selbstbewusst an - ohne Englischunterricht und ohne zu lernen!
- Erfolgs-Coaching: Treten Sie selbstbewusst und locker in "herausfordernden" Situation auf und tun Sie das, was Sie schon immer tun wollten... oder müssen!
Sprechen Sie mich an! Ich bin gerne für Sie da: Fon +1 617 383 5350
Wie das funktioniert? Indem Sie sich von Ihrem eigenen Unterbewusstsein zum Erfolg führen lassen. Hierbei unterstütze ich Sie im:
- English Coaching: Bauen Sie Ihre Sprachhemmungen ab und wenden Sie Ihre bereits vorhandenen Englischkenntnisse selbstbewusst an - ohne Englischunterricht und ohne zu lernen!
- Erfolgs-Coaching: Treten Sie selbstbewusst und locker in "herausfordernden" Situation auf und tun Sie das, was Sie schon immer tun wollten... oder müssen!
Sprechen Sie mich an! Ich bin gerne für Sie da: Fon +1 617 383 5350
Seminare allgemein:
Inhouse Seminare, speziell auf Unternehmen oder Nonprofit-Organisation zugeschnitten
Vorträge, Workshops und offene Seminare zu verschiedenen Themen, z.B.
o Verkaufen mit Lust!
o Der gute Draht zum Kunden
o Kommunizieren - Überzeugend auftreten - Ziele erreichen
o Karriere statt Sprachbarriere
Vorträge, Workshops und offene Seminare zu verschiedenen Themen, z.B.
o Verkaufen mit Lust!
o Der gute Draht zum Kunden
o Kommunizieren - Überzeugend auftreten - Ziele erreichen
o Karriere statt Sprachbarriere
Über mich:
"Lieber fehlerhaft angefangen als perfekt verzögert." In diesem Sinne schreibe ich jetzt einfach mal los und erkläre ein bisschen was ich beruflich mache und was mein Herz zum Singen bringt (für den Moment in Englisch da ich im Moment auch hauptsächlich in Boston tätig bin).
I work as a coach helping people to improve their personal performance and have specialised in a very specific area. Some examples where my expertise comes useful are when people e.g.:
- Are afraid of job interviews, public speaking or exams,
- want to get on with something but instead find themselves postponing it,
- repeatedly react in ways they dislike, even though they've tried before to change this,
- are worried about talking, negotiating, holding presentations in English, feel queasy, start sweating and stuttering or in the worst case don't get the words out of their mouth.
Does some of this ring a bell? Don't worry, you're not alone. The good news is that things don't need to be like that and when I say this I'm talking from my own experience. It took myself quite some time to find out just how destructive (subconscious) fears, doubts and inhibitions are; how much they held me back from achieving my full potential; and at the same time how powerfully our subconscious can assist us in reaching our goals.
Easier said than done, you might say. That's exactly what I used to think... until I learned to work w i t h my subconscious instead of against it. And all of a sudden things just happened and still do. Often I don't even need to worry about things anymore. Yes, I do still worry sometimes. So there you go, I'm not perfect and don't need to be either! It's the beauty of life - learning -changing -progress - taking rests- enjoying achievements - lifelong!
What's all that got to do with my work? Well, having always had a passion for change and having experienced on myself how easily this can occur, with the right tools and the subconscious on board, I have in the meantime specialised in helping others to do the same: Changing and having fun along the way! Sounds like a fairytale to you? Well I must admit I do sometimes get carried away with the simplicity, yet depth and long lasting success of the method.
The way it works is easy: By means of deep relaxation I help my coachees to access their own inner resources. Since it's neither me nor the "thinking" part of the coachee that then creates the solution but the subconscious of the person, changes happening during and after sessions have an extraordinarily high rate of success. People e.g. stop beating themselves up and instead start sponsoring and appreciating themselves. A very fertile ground for positive change!
Another thing I love about my work: It encourages me every day to treat myself kindly and to be patient with myself (and my loved ones). Thank you to all my coachees for reminding me!
Well, now you know what makes my heart sing.
Have a wonderful day and remember to be kind to yourself!
Best regards
Sabine Weigmann-Bates
I work as a coach helping people to improve their personal performance and have specialised in a very specific area. Some examples where my expertise comes useful are when people e.g.:
- Are afraid of job interviews, public speaking or exams,
- want to get on with something but instead find themselves postponing it,
- repeatedly react in ways they dislike, even though they've tried before to change this,
- are worried about talking, negotiating, holding presentations in English, feel queasy, start sweating and stuttering or in the worst case don't get the words out of their mouth.
Does some of this ring a bell? Don't worry, you're not alone. The good news is that things don't need to be like that and when I say this I'm talking from my own experience. It took myself quite some time to find out just how destructive (subconscious) fears, doubts and inhibitions are; how much they held me back from achieving my full potential; and at the same time how powerfully our subconscious can assist us in reaching our goals.
Easier said than done, you might say. That's exactly what I used to think... until I learned to work w i t h my subconscious instead of against it. And all of a sudden things just happened and still do. Often I don't even need to worry about things anymore. Yes, I do still worry sometimes. So there you go, I'm not perfect and don't need to be either! It's the beauty of life - learning -changing -progress - taking rests- enjoying achievements - lifelong!
What's all that got to do with my work? Well, having always had a passion for change and having experienced on myself how easily this can occur, with the right tools and the subconscious on board, I have in the meantime specialised in helping others to do the same: Changing and having fun along the way! Sounds like a fairytale to you? Well I must admit I do sometimes get carried away with the simplicity, yet depth and long lasting success of the method.
The way it works is easy: By means of deep relaxation I help my coachees to access their own inner resources. Since it's neither me nor the "thinking" part of the coachee that then creates the solution but the subconscious of the person, changes happening during and after sessions have an extraordinarily high rate of success. People e.g. stop beating themselves up and instead start sponsoring and appreciating themselves. A very fertile ground for positive change!
Another thing I love about my work: It encourages me every day to treat myself kindly and to be patient with myself (and my loved ones). Thank you to all my coachees for reminding me!
Well, now you know what makes my heart sing.
Have a wonderful day and remember to be kind to yourself!
Best regards
Sabine Weigmann-Bates
1978 - 1981 Sachbearbeiterin im Export (in Deutschland)
1981 - 1983 Wirtschaftskorrespondentin für Spanisch und Übersetzerin für Englisch
1984 - 1986 Marketingsekretärin in einer Sprachschule (in England)
1986 - 1991 Sachbearbeiterin in der internationalen Schiffs- und Darlehensabteilung einer norwegischen Bank (in Luxemburg)
1991 + 1993 Geburt der Kinder - Babypause
1992 - 1994 Aufenthalt in Schweden
1996 TOEFL Teacher of English as a Foreign Language (University of Cambridge)
1996 - 1999 NLP Ausbildung (in England) bei John Grinder (Begründer) und international führenden NLP-Trainern: Robert Dilts, Judith DeLozier, Christina Hall u.v.m.
2000 Zertifizierte NLP Trainerin (International NLP Trainers Association)
2002 Gründung von Key Trainings
1981 - 1983 Wirtschaftskorrespondentin für Spanisch und Übersetzerin für Englisch
1984 - 1986 Marketingsekretärin in einer Sprachschule (in England)
1986 - 1991 Sachbearbeiterin in der internationalen Schiffs- und Darlehensabteilung einer norwegischen Bank (in Luxemburg)
1991 + 1993 Geburt der Kinder - Babypause
1992 - 1994 Aufenthalt in Schweden
1996 TOEFL Teacher of English as a Foreign Language (University of Cambridge)
1996 - 1999 NLP Ausbildung (in England) bei John Grinder (Begründer) und international führenden NLP-Trainern: Robert Dilts, Judith DeLozier, Christina Hall u.v.m.
2000 Zertifizierte NLP Trainerin (International NLP Trainers Association)
2002 Gründung von Key Trainings
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